Wu Lan Bu Tong Ba Shang Ming Zhu Hotel

The Wu Lan Bu Tong Ba Shang Ming Zhu Hotel was recently renovated in 2017, making it a fantastic choice for those staying in Keshenketengqi. When guests have some time on their hands they can make use of the onsite facilities. This Keshenketengqi hotel features parking on site. According to our guests, the location of this hotel is one of the best around. This hotel is a popular accommodation for groups of friends traveling together. This hotel is consistently one of the most popular choices for travelers to Keshenketengqi.

  • 会员8376: 酒店整体环境非常不错,卫生也很好,服务周到很舒心,无论大处到小处都是那么无懈可击,价格也很合理。 孩子也非常开心,这次入住体验很好
  • 会员7592:环境不错,非常舒服,这会是去玩的好时候,今年格外的冷,来的时候带点小褂子🤗
  • 会员9939:酒店在景区内,有加油站,这里在乌兰布统算方便的了,草原现在来有点微冷,需要带个外套,早起的日出也挺好看的[偷笑]
  • 会员4372:酒店环境整洁,房间布局堪称完美,优雅又不失情调,服务周到,让人无比舒心。给我营造了一种家的感觉,无论大处到小处都是那么无懈可击,价格也很合理


Wu Lan Bu Tong Ba Shang Ming Zhu Hotel
  • Address :  In the scenic spot of WuLanBuTong,keshenketengqi,Chifeng,Neimengu

  • Reserve :  +8620-86007566 (CouponCode:50777)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 13231470916
      (Catering Entertainment)

Wu Lan Bu Tong Ba Shang Ming Zhu Hotel reserve:020-86007566 (CouponCode:50777) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:13231470916   Meeting room reserve

Wu Lan Bu Tong Ba Shang Ming Zhu Hotel address: In the scenic spot of WuLanBuTong,keshenketengqi,Chifeng,Neimengu

乌兰布统坝上明珠酒店Wu Lan Bu Tong Ba Shang Ming Zhu Hotel

Disclaimer: We are partners of Ctrip (including Tongcheng Elong, Qunar,Zhuna, etc.), booking, Agoda and Expedia. We only provide Wu Lan Bu Tong Ba Shang Ming Zhu Hotel online booking service for you. Your reservation will be forwarded to the hotel by Ctrip, Tongcheng Elong and other partners. If there are problems such as liquidated damages, Tongcheng ELong or Ctrip will deduct the money and transfer it to the hotel, We are not the official website of Wu Lan Bu Tong Ba Shang Ming Zhu Hotel, please know.