Artour Hotel Beijing headquarters

Opened in 2017, the Artour Hotel Beijing headquartersis a great accommodation choice in Beijing. This property features Free in-room Wi-Fi.
Artour Hotel Beijing headquarters is only 11km from Beijing West Railway Station and 13km from Nanyuan Airport, giving guests a number of convenient transportation options. The closest major public transportation, Fengtai Science Park Metro Station, is only 900m away. Famous attractions World Park and Beijing Auto Museum are just a short taxi ride away.

After a long day of sightseeing, guests can retire to the comfort of the hotel.

According to our trusted guests, the facilities at this hotel are first-rate. Artour Hotel Beijing headquarters is particularly popular with those traveling on business.

Brand: Atour Hotels

Atour, a lifestyle brand group that started with accommodation.Starting from accommodation, it conveys a humanistic, warm and fun lifestyle to consumers who pursue quality life, and shapes and improves people's future life with continuously improved quality products, services and experiences, "making people connect with each other more warmly".It has six major accommodation brands, including A.T.HOUSE, S Hotel, ZHotel, Atour Hotel, Atour X Hotel, and Light House, as well as the scene retail brand Atour Market.It has incubated three original lifestyle brands, including "αTOUR PLANET", "SAVHE", and "Z2GO&CO", covering fields including sleep, fragrance, personal care and travel.

  • 会员6651:房间很干净,服务态度特别好,房间设施齐全,隔音效果也很好,现在价格也超级合适,早餐种类很多很丰富
  • 会员1075:入住体验很好,前台小哥哥小姐姐服务热情,主动问询是否需要洗漱用品。房间卫生很干净,床品很舒适,早餐也不错,种类也比较多,蔬菜水果都很新鲜,位置也比较好,设施齐全,设备完善,整体都很好,值得推荐。服务很好,卫生不错,楼道干净,大堂敞亮。二层还有免费的洗衣房。很棒,下次还要过来住
  • 会员2660:,园区都很安静,服务很好很周到。位置很好找,交通便利,大堂很干净,餐厅很干净,早餐很丰富。价格合理,床很舒服,整体感觉很好。房间很干净利落 ,早餐很丰盛,设施完善,很齐全,性价比高,房间卫生打扫的很干净,设施齐全。酒店设施齐全,房间床品很舒适,枕头软硬适中,水温正合适。
  • 会员7918:因为只能传九张照片 所以我只能把一些环境图片拼起来发了 因为我家爸爸不能出京 所以就选了一家我们家对角线位置的酒店住了一下(我住在望京) #位置#总部基地园区内 我第一次来 感觉这里没有什么住宅 都是单位和公司 进来比较转向 但是按照导航也找到了 门口有停车位 地库也有停车位 应该是8元一小时吧 现在是春节 所以没有收费 开始我还不太理解为什么住店要收停车费 后来理解了 大概来这边都是出差的 很少有开车来的吧 #前台#登记了健康宝 移动的行程记录 还有填写了一个临时行程的表格 我们11点多到的 前台也给了房间直接入住了 简直太赞了 前台姑娘很热情 主动递了两瓶水 竟然是温水!!!感动 并且很有礼貌 每次进出都会问好 #房间#我订的双人床 因为有个小朋友。。。爸爸把床拉到一起了 这样拼起来比大床更大一些 有两个枕头 乳胶枕 挺舒服的 屋里很热 就算关了空调依旧很热 这是唯一的bug 小朋友不用盖被子也挺热的 房间面积不大 但是设备挺简单也挺齐全的 现在都环保啦 不提供牙膏牙刷梳子 但是有洗手液和肥皂 挺好的 #早餐#在一层 从六点半到十点吧 很良心了 餐厅不大但是东西跟软乎 中西餐都有 还有一排我没拍照是热食 有煮鸡蛋 鸡蛋羹 鸡腿 青菜 炒米饭 炒面条 蒸玉米整红薯等等。。。还有一个柜台也没拍 是包子和现煮的馄饨和煎蛋等 预定的时候没怎么看到有人显示早餐的图 我来补上吧 哈哈 酒店周边一公里有一个万达 特别好 一应俱全。。。 总之来溜娃挺好的 如果以后停车不收费会考虑再来 第一次住亚朵 对亚朵的印象真的不错!!


Artour Hotel Beijing headquarters
  • Address :  Building 12, Area 2, Advanced Business Park, No.188 West Nansihuan Road,Fengtai District,Beijing,Beijing

  • Reserve :  +8620-86007566 (CouponCode:31153)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 010-63711333
      (Catering Entertainment)

Artour Hotel Beijing headquarters reserve:020-86007566 (CouponCode:31153) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:010-63711333   Meeting room reserve

Artour Hotel Beijing headquarters address: Building 12, Area 2, Advanced Business Park, No.188 West Nansihuan Road,Fengtai District,Beijing,Beijing

北京总部基地亚朵酒店Artour Hotel Beijing headquarters

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