Ouluoba Hot Spring Manor

The Ouluoba Hot Spring Manor was recently opened in 2016, making it a fantastic choice for those staying in Tashenkuergan. Seeing the sights from this hotel is easy with Tashenkuergan's attractions including The Ancient Stone Town of Kashgar and Pamirs Plateau close by. When guests have some time on their hands they can make use of the onsite facilities. This Tashenkuergan hotel features parking on site. This hotel is particularly popular with those traveling with friends. The Ouluoba Hot Spring Manor is one of the top accommodation choices in Tashenkuergan.

  • 会员8188:酒店卫生环境很好,房间也很大,前台服务员很热情,服务周到,停车场广,停车方便,有利于游客更好的旅游。有不懂的或者问旅游景点,前台服务员会很热情的讲解。
  • 会员8687:没想到在高原上还有这么条件不错的酒店。房间很大,卫生间干净整洁干湿分离,交通位置特别棒,就在帕米尔高原景区对面,走路5分钟不到,旁边就是美食街。早餐种类也还可以,吃的人很多,可见生意确实好,要是早上能加个牛奶豆浆之类的就更好了
  • :酒店位置很好,离游客中心和吃饭的地方都很近。房间里干净,周边在施工,但是晚上比较安静,睡得好。
  • 会员3993:就在帕米尔景区对面,步行可以到达景区大门。 住的复式家庭套房,一楼有沙发和单人床。 洗手间淋雨美中不足,一个是冷热水标识贴反了,另外是因为高原的关系,出热水比较慢。 服务真心不错,即便语言可能有点不通,但尽量都能理解并服务好我们。旁边在建造欧罗巴庄园,可能以后会更好吧。建议住这家,比较方便,步行还可以到有很多小店的美食广场。


Ouluoba Hot Spring Manor
  • Address :  Near No.314 National Highway (Waer Xidie Village),tashenkuergantajikezizhixian,Kashi,Xinjiang

  • Reserve :  +8620-86007566 (CouponCode:82734)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 0998-5736099
      (Catering Entertainment)

Ouluoba Hot Spring Manor reserve:020-86007566 (CouponCode:82734) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:0998-5736099   Meeting room reserve

Ouluoba Hot Spring Manor address: Near No.314 National Highway (Waer Xidie Village),tashenkuergantajikezizhixian,Kashi,Xinjiang

喀什塔什库尔干欧罗巴温泉庄园Ouluoba Hot Spring Manor

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