Haitian Zhilian Inn

Xiamen Haitian love Seaview inn is located in yellow CuO Cun,'s Huandao Road, a beautiful environment, convenient transportation, catering, shopping is very convenient, is Naozhongqujing ", provide a" journey home to the customer". Huang CuO is located on the road around the island, attractions are relatively concentrated, Gulangyu Islet, Zhongshan Road, Xiamen University, southern Putuo, Huli mountain fort, a Buddism godness Guanyin Wuyuan Bay Hill, and so on, and the island tankahkeei Park, Jimei School Village, dragon pool, Crocodile Park, Park Bo Yuan, only five minutes from the road around the island beach walk

  • 会员1920:挺好的一家民宿,交通方便,靠近海边。浴室和卫生间是干湿分离的,超大洗手台,对女生很友好,化妆很方便~~~预订的舒适大床房,比想象中好很多,房间大,还有投影仪。附近有家咖啡厅,花邸咖啡,非常美,值得推荐
  • 会员4510:会再次入住的一家名宿酒店 📍位置: 在黄厝沙滩边上,一条小路直达海边,去玩儿了水5分钟就可以回酒店换衣服;环海路边儿上打车、公交都很方便 🌿卫生: 很干净,床品也很舒服,想窝房间一天那种,卫生间也打扫得很干净 💸环境: 楼顶有露台,每年大年初一,厦门都会和台湾金门岛对放烟花,现场非常壮观,他家是最佳观景台[强] 🛏房间设施: 标间2个人宽敞有小沙发,有悬挂式投影,卫生间干湿分离,有全身镜;洗护用品齐全,设施设备完整 性价比:很高[强][强][强]
  • 会员5728:非常棒,所见即所得。 交通很方便,滴车送到门口。 走出去过个马路就是海边了,旁边一条街从早深夜都有很多东西吃。 管家很负责,很贴心,提前联系提醒注意事项,还做了靠谱的攻略给我们。 回家后还能帮我找到遗失在酒店的蓝牙耳机,很感谢你们。 时间关系,只住了一天,会推荐给朋友,希望下次去还可以住这边。
  • 会员4142:酒店可以直接打车到,不用走山路什么的,送了吃的伴手礼,订的房型有浴缸🛁,但没有早餐,不过附近吃的比较多。前台在五楼,海景不错,晚上在天台很舒服,小屁孩跟我说:你要这样叉着脚,躺在这里,等月亮妈妈收拾好玩具,她就会撒很多星星出来了。✨ ✨ ✨走路去沙滩也就五分钟,还免费提供玩沙的玩具,又配了儿童拖鞋,整体服务还是很满意的,就是wifi时好时坏。


Haitian Zhilian Inn
  • Address :  No.39 Huangcuo Village, Huandao Road,Siming District,Xiamen,Fujian

  • Reserve :  +8620-86007566 (CouponCode:76657)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 15359865566
      (Catering Entertainment)

Haitian Zhilian Inn reserve:020-86007566 (CouponCode:76657) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:15359865566   Meeting room reserve

Haitian Zhilian Inn address: No.39 Huangcuo Village, Huandao Road,Siming District,Xiamen,Fujian

厦门海天之恋海景客栈Haitian Zhilian Inn

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