Cloud Retreat Shansan Island

The Cloud Retreat Shansan Island is one of the newest hotels in Suzhou, having opened in 2020. From the hotel, Suzhou New Area Railway Station is approximately 53km away. Suzhou New Area Railway Station is approximately 53km away by road. This hotel is located near many of Suzhou's attractions including Sanshan Island, Shigong Mountain and Taohua Island, Taihu Lake. When guests have some time on their hands they can make use of the onsite facilities. According to our guests, the location of this hotel is one of the best around. This hotel is a popular accommodation for guests traveling with families.

  • 会员1439:原谅我不善拍照,图一是我在房间的随拍,真正拉开窗帘就是湖(我定的湖景房),图二是码头边的秋千,躺椅,真正是假日休闲时光,图三是山上日落。 如果来三山岛,真的建议入住这家过云山居; 快艇刚靠岸,就是服务人员指引,拿行李,直至离开用观光车送至码头 用餐,早餐的套餐非常精致而且美味,中午,晚上有各种点餐,从摆盘看都很赏心悦目,而且味道很地道 酒吧,咖啡厅,可以给你的度假氛围锦上添花 我们是带着小朋友过去的,泳池就是她们的最爱 🚗 交通: 🍃环境: 🔔服务: 【小而美】
  • 会员3185:很赞,有泳池,还算是很干净的,环境好,设计很有美感,强烈推荐 by the way 墙上有壁虎,因为是一楼,也有小虫子,不过前台会找人过来清理,服务还行
  • 会员8244:岛上最佳位置最佳服务最佳硬件软件民宿!配套设施完善,咖啡休闲区舒适温馨宽敞、咖啡、饮料、啤酒都能找到自的。环境优雅、整洁!以后还会再来!
  • 会员1209:整体环境干净,家庭出游或者朋友出游都非常合适,周边环境设计的很用心,配套服务都很齐全,工作人员也都非常nice!总之是一次很满意的入住体验!


Cloud Retreat Shansan Island
  • Address :  Group 1, Sanshan Village,Wuzhong District,Suzhou,Jiangsu

  • Reserve :  +8620-86007566 (CouponCode:46282)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 19962196672
      (Catering Entertainment)

Cloud Retreat Shansan Island reserve:020-86007566 (CouponCode:46282) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:19962196672   Meeting room reserve

Cloud Retreat Shansan Island address: Group 1, Sanshan Village,Wuzhong District,Suzhou,Jiangsu

三山岛过云山居民宿Cloud Retreat Shansan Island

Disclaimer: We are partners of Ctrip (including Tongcheng Elong, Qunar,Zhuna, etc.), booking, Agoda and Expedia. We only provide Cloud Retreat Shansan Island online booking service for you. Your reservation will be forwarded to the hotel by Ctrip, Tongcheng Elong and other partners. If there are problems such as liquidated damages, Tongcheng ELong or Ctrip will deduct the money and transfer it to the hotel, We are not the official website of Cloud Retreat Shansan Island, please know.