Happy Hours Together

The Happy Hours Together is one of the newest hotels in Beijing, having opened in 2021. With Huairou Railway Station just 7km away and Beijing Capital International Airport only 60km away, transportation is very convenient. This hotel is located near many of Beijing's attractions including Yuzhulin, Survival Island Theme Park and Shengcundao New Concept Tourist Base. In their spare time, guests can explore the hotel's surroundings. This Beijing hotel offers parking on site. According to our trusted guests, the facilities at this hotel are first-rate.

  • 会员1935:去过的民宿中最好的!老板还送了礼物!特别好!
  • 会员8252:去红螺寺找到了周边这家新开的民俗,房间不仅风格多样,而且设计都很好👍艺术氛围浓厚,适合拍照打卡。服务很好,晚上朋友们聚完餐直接就可以休息了,不需要顶着醉意去收拾锅碗瓢盆,你的辛苦老板娘都懂,来这里就是让我们舒舒服服的度假遛娃。厨房用品齐全,火锅,烧烤架,空气炸锅,烤肉盘要啥有啥真是宝藏厨房!懒得做饭的,他们家还可以提供三餐,口味都很赞。房间宽敞,很多房型都是套间,有地暖,温度很舒适。
  • 会员1068:这家民宿真得很有特色,他家的烤肉很好吃哦推荐,民宿里每一间房都不一样 真的太好看了 北京住过最好的民宿 大家可以来打卡,新晋网红打卡地吖!每一处都可以拍好看的照片 ,新开业的很干净 .真的是可以和5🌟媲美了 来红螺寺一定要住这里
  • 会员4264:🚗 交通:民宿有自己的停车位,步行去红螺寺五分钟。 🧹卫生:房间整洁,浴室很干净。沐浴产品是欧舒丹,吹风机是戴森的。 🍃环境:因为房间太有意思以及舒服安逸,没有拍照。房间很有意思,离开家,就是要体验不同风格的感受。B1有KTV,有吧台。和朋友一起小酌一杯很适合。游泳池马上投入使用,期待天热了来体验。 🔔服务:适度热情的工作人员。这边的烤肉晚餐很不错。现烙的泡菜饼,馅饼现在想想都是食指大动。


Happy Hours Together
  • Address :  Huairouzhen Dongsicun Donggong No.26,Huairou District,Beijing,Beijing

  • Reserve :  +8620-86007566 (CouponCode:42887)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 13716293191
      (Catering Entertainment)

Happy Hours Together reserve:020-86007566 (CouponCode:42887) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:13716293191   Meeting room reserve

Happy Hours Together address: Huairouzhen Dongsicun Donggong No.26,Huairou District,Beijing,Beijing

北京壹家喜聚民宿Happy Hours Together

Disclaimer: We are partners of Ctrip (including Tongcheng Elong, Qunar,Zhuna, etc.), booking, Agoda and Expedia. We only provide Happy Hours Together online booking service for you. Your reservation will be forwarded to the hotel by Ctrip, Tongcheng Elong and other partners. If there are problems such as liquidated damages, Tongcheng ELong or Ctrip will deduct the money and transfer it to the hotel, We are not the official website of Happy Hours Together, please know.