Mehood Lestie Hotel (Hangzhou Qianjiang Shijicheng, Olympic Sports Center)

The Mehood Lestie Hotel (Hangzhou Qianjiang Shijicheng, Olympic Sports Center) was recently opened in 2020, making it a fantastic choice for those staying in Hangzhou. Hangzhou East Railway Station is located approximately 11km away from this hotel. This hotel is located near many of Hangzhou's attractions including Hangzhou International Expo Center, Hangzhou Olympic And International EXPO Center and Ningweishimin Park. This hotel makes a great place to kick back and relax after a long day of sightseeing. Guests of this Hangzhou hotel can make use of the parking facilities. There's never a dull moment at this hotel, our guests indicate that the facilities are excellent. Perfect for those working on the move, this hotel caters to a large number of business guests.

  • 会员8950:好的是,房间设施不错,有洗漱用品,还配了龙井茶叶,服务人员都很客气。不好的是卫生间卫生没有细心,马桶上留有毛发感觉很不舒服,叫了服务后马上来处理了。订单里配套有下午茶服务,本来是预订的加分项,但入住时也没有主动提示,离店后才想起来。仍然房间给了两瓶维他奶,但与预订时写明的下午茶是不符合的。这些服务细节要注意
  • 会员2157:酒店周边交通很方便,旁边也有一个大商场印象城,离国际博览中心也很近,酒店的环境也很安静优美舒适,房间里面的设施设备很齐全,有洗漱用哦很多种,对于出差的人真的是很方便,房间卫生做的也很干净整洁,客服经理小关服务态度极好热情,给我安排的房间很满意,早餐和下午茶也很好吃,晚上还有面条吃加的还有鸡蛋,健身房洗衣房停车场他们家酒店也都有的并且是免费使用的,性价比对与我们这种出差的人真的是很棒,下次出差还来他们家入住,开心的一次入住。
  • 会员7631:酒店住的很满意,位置也很方便对于我出行,离国际博览中心和商场印象城很近,晚上还可以去钱江世纪公园都不是很远,在入住期间都是很方便的,环境在住期间也是很舒服很安静,房间里面的设施设备齐全完善,卫生做的干净整洁,工作人员熊小姐服务态度很好很热情,早餐和下午茶品种也多,晚上还有一碗面作为夜宵,味道都不错的,二楼还有健身房和洗衣房,超级赞,停车场很大而且免费,下次还会选择这家酒店。
  • 会员7722:很不错的一次体验 装修的很好 房间设施也很全面 酒店给免费升级了房型 床特别的舒服 软糯糯的 房间窗户都是电动的 很现代 距离机场也很近 楼下有吃饭的地方


Mehood Lestie Hotel (Hangzhou Qianjiang Shijicheng, Olympic Sports Center)
  • Address :  Minghua International, No.20 Haoyue Road,Xiaoshan District,hangzhou,Zhejiang

  • Reserve :  +8620-86007566 (CouponCode:32411)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 0571-89990571
      (Catering Entertainment)

Mehood Lestie Hotel (Hangzhou Qianjiang Shijicheng, Olympic Sports Center) reserve:020-86007566 (CouponCode:32411) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:0571-89990571   Meeting room reserve

Mehood Lestie Hotel (Hangzhou Qianjiang Shijicheng, Olympic Sports Center) address: Minghua International, No.20 Haoyue Road,Xiaoshan District,hangzhou,Zhejiang

美豪丽致酒店(杭州钱江世纪城奥体中心店)Mehood Lestie Hotel (Hangzhou Qianjiang Shijicheng, Olympic Sports Center)

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