Miyue Santorini House

The Miyue Santorini House was recently opened in 2020, making it a fantastic choice for those staying in Shenzhen. The hotel is located approximately 30km from Shenzhen Pingshan Railway Station and 93km from Bao'an International Airport. With multiple attractions nearby including Seafood Street, Dapeng Peninsula and Golden Bay Beach Resort, guests will find plenty to keep themselves occupied. When guests have some time on their hands they can make use of the onsite facilities. Airport pickup can be arranged by the hotel upon request. This Shenzhen hotel offers parking on site. Our guests consider this hotel to have excellent service. This hotel is a popular accommodation for couples.

  • 会员7836:七月中旬和闺蜜预约了蜜悦这家一直口碑很好的民宿,下午大概2点半来到目的地。管家很热情接待入住,整个民宿的设计很特别高级感十足是独栋别墅,有点像在国外度假的赶脚,非常适合拍照,打开窗是可以看见在风中摇曳的棕榈叶和很多绿植的。很宁静……下午还提供美美的下午茶,早餐也是准备得很精致。总之是一次非常满意的入住。喜欢海景喜欢安静的姐妹们可以来蜜悦吖,超美!
  • 会员4885:在深圳居然还有这样的地方,太神仙了,感觉到了欧洲!人少景美,民宿装修非常棒,匠心独具。相比五星级酒店,这里更适合朋友家人聚会周末游!早餐简而精,各位管家都是温温柔柔的小哥哥小姐姐,适合地出现服务你,又妥妥的离开给客人空间!公司团建无数回,跟其他的海滩酒店相比这里真的是值得一来!平时几乎从来不写点评,这次一定要感谢!让我所有邀请来的朋友都赞不绝口
  • 会员3334:第二次来大鹏这边,这次选了蜜悦作为跨年夜庆祝的地方,风景一如既往地好看 🚗交通:这次没有自驾过来,但酒店可以预留停车位,也会提前沟通好,所以交通很方便 🧹卫生:房间很干净、整洁,各类设施一应俱全 🍃环境:阳台正对大海,可以欣赏日落,周边有各类烧烤档、海鲜餐厅,十分便利 🔔服务:五星级的管家体验,出发前3天便开始对接我们的行程,入住期间24小时的暖心服务和问候真的很不错 跨年夜酒店还有特别的庆祝活动,一群人一起庆祝很开心,特别感谢管家小锋的优质服务与接待,下次来大鹏度假还会首选蜜悦~
  • 会员8694:非常干净,前台小妹和管家很贴心,停车位就在楼下。周围有个蓝宝石私人沙滩,步行10分钟就能到,环境很美。刚入住就赠送了水果和饮料,预约了20分钟免费的专业拍摄,小帅哥很敬业,大热天热情又有耐心。早餐很丰富!时间比较仓促,忘了拍酒店内的照片,发几张室外的吧


Miyue Santorini House
  • Address :  E11, Haibeiwan Resort, No.33 Haibin Road,Dapengxin New District,Shenzhen,Guangdong

  • Reserve :  18123799966 (CouponCode:83219)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 18123799966
      (Catering Entertainment)

Miyue Santorini House reserve:18123799966 (CouponCode:83219) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:18123799966   Meeting room reserve

Miyue Santorini House address: E11, Haibeiwan Resort, No.33 Haibin Road,Dapengxin New District,Shenzhen,Guangdong

蜜悦·深圳圣托里尼海景度假美宿Miyue Santorini House

Disclaimer: We are partners of Ctrip (including Tongcheng Elong, Qunar,Zhuna, etc.), booking, Agoda and Expedia. We only provide Miyue Santorini House online booking service for you. Your reservation will be forwarded to the hotel by Ctrip, Tongcheng Elong and other partners. If there are problems such as liquidated damages, Tongcheng ELong or Ctrip will deduct the money and transfer it to the hotel, We are not the official website of Miyue Santorini House, please know.